Villa Topi offers many complementary services to meet your needs during your stay. Depending on the seasons and according to your desires, the house offers you a universe dedicated to rest or distractions.
If during your stay at La Villa Topi you want to meet around a meal by the swimming pool (regardless of the season, the service will be provided outside or on the covered terrace provided for this purpose), you have the possibility of reserving dinners which will be concocted by your hostess Carole.
If you wish to enhance your stay with fitness sessions and/or âwell-beingâ breaks, La Villa Topi is happy to be able to offer you the services of a professional sports coach.
A professional sports coach will accompany you in the animation of muscle strengthening, stretching, Pilates, TRX, Fit-ball classes... which will take place in the garden (necessary equipment provided on site).
Your host Carole is on hand to answer your questions and help you schedule your visit to Villa Topi.
+33 (0)6 08 33 18 18
327 Chemin des Brusquets
06Â 600 Antibes
La Villa Topi
327 Chemin des Brusquets, Antibes 06600
Phone : +33 (0)6 08 33 18 18